Assessing Data (continued)

Assessment of data revealed common denominators for the rift and that the rift was public policy driven, seemingly motivated by special interests with an agenda that distorted perception of, and as importantly for, men and women. This distortion had apparently, further, etched its way into the educational protocol in which boys and girls were being treated in education. It was as a client once said, “as if the definition of “equal” became the educational equivalent of “same”.

The distortion in gender perception was apparently being fueled by a lack of social and educational awareness and an apparent lack of respect for - the inherent fundamental differences between men and women. The distortion in gender perception was apparently the result of an overall social inculcation and acceptance of victimization of the female and demonization of the male.

Assessment of data further revealed that many of the highly competitive forces that dominate our western culture were driven by an apparent social agenda designed to intentionally pit the male against female and visa versa.

An assessment of existing facilities, programs and protocols dealing with the mental health of and educational initiatives for men and women revealed that the vast majority of facilities, programs and protocols were female orientated. This was in direct contrast to the fact that many of the clients in the Tri State New York metropolitan area seeking intervention and help for conflict resolution, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts and other various emotional issues were male.

Based upon the totality of data collected, OSI concluded that without a better understanding of the framework, systems and driving forces causing this social rift impacting the population at large, of which the client base was representative; achieving concinnity between men, women and children was wishful thinking.

While OSI’s vision and its dedication to finding gender harmony through concinnity was still its overall direction, the path to achieve concinnity was adjusted to accommodate the larger and more complex nature of task at hand.

Read more - A New Direction

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